Monday, March 23, 2009

In some ways you want to run away.
And in others you have the urge to just face it.
Other moments include a blissful oblivion towards it.

Ladies and gentlemen, i have a PSYCHO TEST. ARGH.

okay good night lol.

posted @ 8:30 AM

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what is happiness?

posted @ 8:28 AM

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

You know how there always seems to be this thing about masks?

I think humans don't actually have a core... they're just made up of an entire collection of masks, and all we have to do is determine which mask we want to use, where, when, and for what purpose.

posted @ 7:33 AM

+ + +

If you ever have the time to think about it, here's a question for you:

Do you not find it weird how people have names?

We're the only species on earth who does that you realise? and even better, we go on to name EVERYTHING ELSE in the world, proceed to give anything that grows, reproduces, respires, shows sensitivity, excretes, feeds and moves unbelievably long latin names and complex nomenclature system thingies for organic compounds, not to mention breaking things down into their elements and creating a perodic table for the hundred and ten of them, and THEN breaking elements down even further by smashing 'em around in giant electromagnets so that they disintegrate into their smallest possible parts, and yup, you guessed it, NAMING every single one of those bleddy tiny bits.

I present to you the so called superior species of the world, homo sapien.

Its no wonder really, that the world has become what it is. oh the doom and gloom. Seriously. I've caught someone naming a water crystal, an embryo, a dot on my biology book, and the best one of all, their very own toes.

Personalisation you say?

And what exactly do you make of people who name things after themselves?

'Here meet my dog, its got the exact same name as me, makes it easier for you to remember. '

Why thank you very much, you kind soul.

(sorry i'm a tad frustated with the classification we're doing in bio)

posted @ 1:14 AM

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Monday, March 16, 2009

I've seized to think about social complications.

The only thing that i had on my mind for the most part of the day revolved around my frozen brownies, a cup of milk, and penis envy.

Believe or not, i've had penis envy since i was 8. A-MA-ZING.

This is the reason why i come to school. To learn things about myself that i never knew.

Big clap for me :P

posted @ 3:19 AM

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

was awesome :DD

happiness! Aside from the fact that i have rediscovered my double chin.

Vanity's never been my most prominent characteristic, but seriously. A double chin. Get the hell off my face.

Oh and not the mention the fact that my bodily fluids have found ways to defy gravity. -_- that was mortifying. I shall never cease to be embarassed by that.

Highlight of my day: Elie stuck on the dinosaur :P

posted @ 6:02 AM

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Friday, March 13, 2009

permanence has its limitation.


in all my splendor and glory.

Greetings world, me here, how do you do.

Back to normality. or at least, my semblence of normality. Which some may say, is more of a semblence of abnormality.

I've confuzzled myself.

posted @ 6:29 AM

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Saturday, March 07, 2009

Weakling. I spit in your face.

posted @ 1:37 AM

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Friday, March 06, 2009

High tea.

TUIZ to all you people who didn't make it :P

shall elaborate next time.

  • Study for psycho
  • Math portfolio
  • German essay/movie thing
  • Chemistry writeup
  • Bio writeup + Qs from book that i did not complete thanks to some distraction in the form of P.E.T.E.R- world's greatest big mouth and information give-awayer, i do detest thee at times.

posted @ 6:18 AM

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Thursday, March 05, 2009

This is for you.

YOU are my loner friend from the start of IB, the person who strolled with me to happy mart while the both of us pretended to be lone wolves, the person who introduced me to the world of IB maggi mee consumption, and whom i've probably paid the most number of meals for/lent the most money everr :P

The person with a laugh so contagious, who's willing to bellow back at me in the middle of the road, lie DOWN with me on the road, and power walk with me on the road, albeit being slightly distracted by an amitofu lady. Who feeds me the way grandmothers feed their kids. Who is the only person i've written a letter of that nature to. A person who's-smart-but-thinks-she-continually-fails MORE OFTEN THAN I DO.

I used to worry a lot for you when we first started IB in term 1. >< I still do now, but slightly less. Means you've matured :P

*Image of Vampire cheerleader pops to mind*. Or maybe not.

The first person to have kissed me publicly and so brazenly. Second person i've eaten so much with, after SL. And third person to give me a jewelry hanger for my birthday XD You've been the winner of places in my life.

i think if psychologists were to ever meet you, they'd make you a case study because of how extraordinary you are. Or even worse...

Because you're an error source.

:P <33

posted @ 6:13 AM

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